Hormone Replacement Therapy Orange County, CA

Are you feeling tired or anxious for no apparent reason? It is common to feel tired and unwell sometimes without being able to pinpoint the cause. Here is the reason: this is due to hormone imbalances. Hormone Replacement Therapy can help your body regain its physiological balance. Despite all the myths about its efficacy and safety, you might wonder if this treatment is right for you.

We at Orange County Labs strive to give patients natural results with the least amount of side effects. To help you make the right choice, we aim to dispel myths, rumors, and misconceptions about Hormone Replacement Therapy. Our patient-centered philosophy enables us to deliver customized treatments tailored to your needs. A hormone imbalance is not a one-size-fits-all solution; our Hormone Replacement Therapy Doctor listens carefully to your story and develops an individualized treatment plan.

Here Are Some Myths you need to bust

Myth#1: HRT is for women only

Hormone levels can decline or fluctuate as men and women age. Luckily, HRT works for both sexes.

Myth#2: HRT causes weight gain

It is not true that HRT causes weight gain. Women may gain weight as they age, but this is often due to other factors such as sedentary lifestyles and menopause. Exercise and healthy eating can help prevent this.

Myth#3: HRT causes breast cancer

Female Hormone Replacement Therapy and cancer risk depending on their age, how long they’ve been in menopause, and what type of hormones they take. Combining estrogen and progestin may increase your risk of breast cancer, but balancing testosterone and estrogen alone may decrease it.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for women in Orange County determines your exact hormone levels and develops an effective and safe treatment plan.

Myth#4: Symptoms of menopause aren’t serious

If you are experiencing hormonal changes during menopause, you may be tempted to tough it out and endure the inconveniences. If you experience these symptoms severely or repeatedly, your health, relationships, and quality of life suffer. Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women can help prevent those consequences and control your symptoms.

Myth#5: Calcium and other supplements provide the same benefits

A deficit of estrogen causes your bones to become weak and brittle. Calcium does not reverse bone loss, but Hormone Replacement Therapy may.

Myth #6: The use of testosterone therapy is illegal.

Much controversy over the use of testosterone therapy in professional sports contributes to the myth that it’s illegal. The use of testosterone therapy is not illegal and can be very effective for Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men and various medical conditions, including those associated with aging.

Myth#7: Testosterone Therapy Contain Steroids

It is dangerous to take testosterone therapy because it is a steroid. The hormone testosterone is the source of anabolic steroids. However, testosterone therapy does not contain all of the components of anabolic steroids. Bioidentical testosterone is derived from plant sources and formulated to mimic the body’s testosterone production exactly.

Myth #8: Prostate cancer comes from testosterone therapy.

Male hormone therapy and prostate health are controversial topics. There is no conclusive evidence linking testosterone therapy to the development of prostate cancer; however, testosterone therapy is generally not prescribed to patients with prostate cancer. You should seek the advice of a certified Hormone Replacement Therapy Doctor as with any other treatment or therapy. During the consultation, they will analyze your medical history and determine whether you are a candidate for the treatment.

Misconceptions about BHRT

Misconceptions about Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy include that it is unsafe to use. Bioidentical hormones are safer than HRT because they are natural. They do not cause any side effects. In contrast, synthetic hormones can cause a variety of side effects. It can result in hot flashes and depression, and other problems. A synthetic hormone’s half-life is also shorter than natural hormones. This means they break down quickly in the body and are eliminated faster. If you’re going through menopause or deep into it, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy may help you feel better again.

Hormone Replacement Therapy in Orange County helps your body replicate its natural hormonal levels and improve your overall health. That will benefit both women and men experiencing menopause and andropause symptoms. A comprehensive blood work analysis tailored hormone levels to each patient’s needs. Bioidentical estrogen and testosterone are then released into the bloodstream through hormone pellet implants placed under the skin. Each pellet releases a small amount of bioidentical hormone directly into the bloodstream every 12 hours, seven days a week.

Options for Hormone Replacement Therapy

Pellet Therapy

When you are experiencing hormonal imbalance, pellet therapy is the best way to provide your body with the essential hormones it needs.

What is Pellet Therapy?

Hormone Replacement Therapy Clinics use a simple, painless outpatient procedure to insert a pellet containing bioidentical hormones underneath your skin, usually in the buttocks, hips, or thighs, to supplement natural estrogen and testosterone production. As the hormone is released directly into your bloodstream, your body will gradually return to its normal balance.

HRT & Pellet Therapy

Pellet therapy eliminates the need for consistent application of patches or creams and the human error that often comes with orally ingested treatments, with fewer side effects. Using pellets is easy and consistent. You will need to come back to our lab for replacement therapy after each pellet lasts between 3-6 months. We find most patients prefer pellets to other HRT options.

How do I know if my replacement therapy is working?

When your hormone replacement treatment is working as it should, you’ll experience noticeable and obvious benefits, such as:

  • Healthier skin
  • Better mood
  • Improved sleep
  • The reversal of hair loss
  • Increased bone density
  • More energy
  • Higher libido
  • Better vaginal lubrication
  • Feeling of well-being
  • No more brain fog

You may also notice that it’s easier to lose weight and that you feel years younger than before starting hormone replacement therapy. 

Why Choose Us?

We believe that testing hormone levels is an essential step during the evaluation process. By identifying and treating an underlying symptoms for Harmone Replacement Therapy for Men , Orange County can individualize your treatment and provide you with several options, eliminating many unwanted symptoms, as well as providing additional health benefits and improving your quality of life.

 Contact us today to schedule an appointment or know more about Hormone Replacement Therapy at Orange County in California.

 (714) 894-1591